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Story Games Seattle Message Board Rules Hacks › Remember Tomorrow (House Rules)

Remember Tomorrow (House Rules)

Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 184

After playing Remember Tomorrow a few times with mixed results, we simplified the rules to focus more on the story, less on resource management, and to work better as a one-shot.

The big change is to remove PCons and NCons entirely. Everything works through Ready/Willing/Able. Everything just raises or lowers R/W/A, or checks R/W/A to move you towards your story goal. When you'd describe something that would give you a PCon or NCon, just change R/W/A and describe according ("I've got the floor plans to his penthouse, so now I'm more Ready").

  • The first half of the players make and introduce characters, then the other half make and introduce factions, then start normal play. The players who made factions can make their own characters on a later turn, just like normal.

  • Characters start with 3/4/5 in RWA in whatever order they want (removes danger that player assigns a weird balance because they don't understand how the game works)

  • Factions start at 3 (but will very often go to 4 in their intro scene)

  • You can only raise each stat by one per scene (includes Influence of factions), but there's no limit on lowering your opponent's stats.

  • Factions don't go above Influence 7 and can't get written out by promotion. If you make a deal with a Faction at 7, describe how your deal throws another player under the bus. They choose one of their stats and subtract 1.

  • Conflict rolls are simplified, since there's no PCons or NCons:
    1 success more than opponent = win goal, they lose
    2 successes more than opponent = win goal + 1 bonus, they lose
    3 successes more than opponent = win goal + 2 bonuses, they lose
    tied successes = both sides win their goal
    neither side rolls successes = both losers

  • You can never remove story goal checks (that just makes things go on forever)

  • Going for your last story goal check is the make it or break it moment. If you go for your third check and fail, it's a disaster and their story is over. Your character is written out.

Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 630
Additional changes / clarifications we've been using:

Instead of choosing stats, use a default spread of 3/4/5 and let people assign as they want but not change (that avoids people having to make math decisions before they understand the game)

tied successes = both sides win their goal
neither side rolls successes = both losers
1 success more than opponent = win goal, opponent loses
2 successes more than opponent = win goal + 1 bonus, opponent loses
3 successes more than opponent = win goal + 2 bonuses, opponent loses

(so no cases where both sides get more than one success/goal)

No stat can go up more than 1 total in any scene (including intro scenes). You can lower a stat by any amount with successes.

Start at 3 Influence. If there are not 2 living named NPCs in the faction you must introduce one (just to give us someone to deal with when we talk to the faction)

When a faction is at 7, if you make a deal with them, instead of promoting the faction your deal hurts another character (-1 to one of their stats). You sell them out.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 631
Here's our Swords & Sorcery hack of characters and factions. Motivations stay the same:

1 barbarian
2 legionnaire / soldier / guard
3 mercenary / rogue / sell-sword
4 bandit / pirate / highwayman
5 sorcerer / seer
6 noble
7 craftsman / smith
8 commoner / villager / citizen
9 beggar / slave
0 exile / outcast

1 clan / tribe
2 noble house
3 guild / merchant cartel
4 cult / priesthood
5 circle of magi
6 secret society
7 bandits / pirates / den of thieves
8 army / warband
9 invading horde
0 supernatural (demons, undead, etc)
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.