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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Proud Singers of Tanis (Downfall)

Proud Singers of Tanis (Downfall)

Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 384
aka "Pride goeth before the Song"

players: Erik, Shimon, Ben

We playtested Caroline's Downfall (yes, it does amuse me to phrase it that way, why do you ask?). I think this was the third playtest of the rules but none of us had played it before. I read the rules ahead of time and facilitated. So it was a proper blind playtest: no one had played it with the author, we just went from the rules.

Caroline gave the thumbs up for a discussion thread, so here it is! I'll let Erik and Shimon chime in with their thoughts on the game but here's a brief overview of the fiction to put it in context:

Our Haven was Tanis, a cultured and prosperous community far more advanced than the unfortunate tribes dwelling in the lowlands. Our Flaw was selflessness, evidenced in the desire of some people to share our wisdom with the lowlanders and raise them up to our level, despite a firm cultural belief that each person should find their own path and make their own fate.

A pretty complex cultural dynamic. Heroism and achievement were highly lauded in song, to the point where even while family history was enshrined you pretty much had to rebel from your parents to demonstrate that you were the author of your own destiny, not just following in their footsteps. The idea of taking a whole community by the hand and "raising them up" in our image was anathema.

Adar - protagonist, proud singer perhaps the greatest of Tanis

Damon - antagonist, singer whose grandfather went into exile for helping the lowlanders, quickly (and somewhat surprisingly) became Adar's lover and then wife

Arion - beloved, Adar's brother and emerging rival

Nava - foil, Adar's grandmother who was a peer of Damon's exiled grandfather

Asha - guardian of the caves, relevant NPC who acted as subsitute foil later in the game

Erik & Shimon, tell us what you thought. And beware singers bearing cups!
user 11624621
Olympia, WA
Post #: 59
Awesome thanks Ben. I'd love to hear more thoughts about the game. What worked well? Would you like to have seen more of anything? Less of something? Shimon? Erik? :) Looking forward to more playtesting soon!
Olympia, WA
Post #: 37
Who ends scenes? Is there any explicit story structure?
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.