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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Down With the King (Polaris)

What We Played: Down With the King (Polaris)

user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 8
Players: Josh, Martin and Pat

Fun game!

We tried out a 3-player Polaris game with each of us playing a Heart, the player to our right playing our Mistaken, and the third player taking up any Moon roles. Our shared fate was that the king had recently been possessed by the Mistaken and disappeared, and the city was still reeling from the discovery.

Here are some brief synopses of the 3 stories:

Gemma (Martin): Gemma is the personal guard and caretaker of the Queen, who has been having trouble sleeping lately. Gemma's knowledge of demonology leads her to believe sorcery is at work, and she begins to suspect the princess's involvement. A day trip to the countryside leads to Gemma discovering the trapped spirit of the late King, whom she frees but consequently harbors the evil spirit that had possessed him. After a supernatural battle in the Queen's chamber, the evil spirit is transferred to the Queen, Gemma is imprisoned for wounding the Queen and Gemma's suspicions of the princess are confirmed.

the Steward (Sorry, forgot the character's name) (Josh): Taking the place of the former king, the Steward faces the task of dealing with an unhappy populace. A crowd of protesters led by Minkel (?), a self-proclaimed speaker of the people, crashes a public council session and demands the monarchy be dissolved. The protesters are subdued through force, but the violence sparks city-wide riots and labor strikes. A civil meeting between Minkel and the Steward establishes an interim governing council to replace the monarchy, of which Minkel is a member along with a number of his supporters. The council's first meeting gets heated and a change in curfew policy allows some pro-monarchy council members to be mysteriously murdered.

Wezen (Pat): Wezen, a studious apprentice sage tasked with keeping his family's history, is visited by his estranged uncle Cetus in the city library. Cetus then tricks Wezen into granting him access to a forbidden tome of demonology and delivering a letter to Wezen's aunt Caph. Upon delivery, Wezen discovers that the letter is a curse that requires him to deliver his cloak bearing his family's crest to Cetus. At the rendezvous, it is revealed that Wezen's sister is summoning a demon with Cetus's help to heal her broken heart. Wezen brazenly disrupts the ritual, and the demon possesses his sister's body and escapes. After turning Cetus over to the town guads, Wezen tracks down his sister, and the possessing demon offers him the chance to save his sister by offering his own body in trade. Instead, he slays the demon and his sister with it, but it turns out his questionable action was witnessed by his mentor.

Thanks for the great game, guys! My favorite part was playing Josh's Mistaken and trying to subvert his rule with a democratic government infested with Mistaken agents.

Also, thanks to Jamie who played a couple Moons for us in various scenes after he'd finished his Fiasco game.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 89
Nice three player adaptation. Did you find you had time for all three protagonists to get story, or were some of them cut short? Did you take turns with the hearts (even rotation), or just jump around as you had ideas?
user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 9
We just went around the table taking turns playing our hearts. I feel like all the protagonists had sufficient time to develop. None of us reached the Zeal/Weariness threshold, but we all got pretty close.

One side effect of the way we played was that the distinction between the moons (personal/hierarchical) went out the window, and I honestly didn't miss it much.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.