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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What we played: A D&D Fiasco

What we played: A D&D Fiasco

user 8261819
Seattle, WA
Post #: 1
Dave, Lee, Melissa and myself played 'Fiasco' using a D&D-inspired playset. The party, having successfully slain a dragon, returned to town in hopes of cashing in on their notoriety. Unfortunately, things didn't go so 'happily ever after' from there...

Dave's Viscout got roped into marrying the hideous daughter of the town elder; Lee's Diabolist accidentally killed himself in an attempt to cheat death; Melissa's Priestess raised a hoard of zombies, only to spend eternity looking for Jerome's berserker gnome...who became the unwilling plaything of a vengeful dragon.
Olympia, WA
Post #: 7
Sounds pretty fun! I had my eye on that playset and thought it'd be an interesting one to try out. It's definitely very "niche", in that it probably holds a lot of appeal for veterans of "serious" tabletop games (D&D being the most prominent among these, but there are plenty of others). Did you find it difficult to step into the medieval swords-and-sorcery world? Or was it a natural transition?

Something I've noted about Fiasco is how quickly it--at least when I'm playing--tends to become a wacky, hilarious tale. I know others have played some very unfunny Fiasco games, but I feel like the mechanics push for a fair bit of humor. Perhaps I'm just bringing that into the game. Regardless, two questions: One, did you feel like this playset was designed for a humorous adventure? And two, do you like dragons? Because if so, you should read this ;)
A former member
Post #: 1
Most of the playsets I've seen have been comedy playsets, and all of the times I've played the game has been a comedy. I think this playset is definitely more on the wacky side of comedy than some of the other playsets.

Had a great time.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.