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Story Games Seattle Message Board Everything Else › Multi-shot Microscope?

Multi-shot Microscope?

user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 22
So far I've only played Microscope as a one-shot, and I've really wanted to try revisiting a history. I'm not sure if it's against our usual one-shot format for the meet-up, but would anyone else like to play Microscope this Thursday with the intention of playing again the following Thursday?
A former member
Post #: 29
I'm down. I mentioned at the last meetup (probably before you got there?) that I'd like to try a few shared world and/or continuing games at the meetups. You really want the same group from session to session though, so that some people don't have more or less authority over how things "really were."
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 158
Pat, you are a mind-reader. I had been thinking of getting people together for a repeating game of Microscope. One-shot Microscope is fun, but building on a history across a couple of sessions is super fun.

But let's not do it at the meetup. If we have preset games, we won't be as flexible about playing with whoever shows up.

Some other night/place would be awesome.
user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 23
That works for me, Ben.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 159
Let's see who all is interested. If it's too many for one game, we'll just split into two, and then figure out scheduling.
user 13294625
Seattle, WA
Post #: 38
I'm in!
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 162
Cy are you still interested in doing it outside meetups? (dates/times to be determined)
A former member
Post #: 30
Sure, but my non-weekend schedule is kind of spotty. I'd be happy to host, though. We can try to figure out a good time at the meetup.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 163
We'll just slow down getting games going if we do it at meetup. I'm taking this party to email!
Seattle, WA
Post #: 9
Hey, so I know peeps started a couple games outside the normal meet up. I believe those are still occurring (since Ben faithfully reports each one, heh). Is there a chance I could jump in? I've got a pretty open schedule, but I don't want to crowd the table. Anyways, I'll see you cats around, either this week or soon.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.