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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Fickle Pickle Puns (Baron Munchausen)

What We Played: Fickle Pickle Puns (Baron Munchausen)

user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 27
Players: Pat, Shuo, Marc, Caroline, Bridget and Xander.
(Fred also attended as a chaperone to keep the proceedings from getting out of hand. He failed utterly.)

In classic Munchausen write-up style, here comes a bulleted list of wacky tidbits and one-liners:

  • The citizens of Naples don't take kindly to pieces of wood painted yellow given instead of gold coins.
  • While pickles are indeed evil, cucumbers are rather obliging if you simply explain you need to harvest them for sunlight.
  • The King of the Sun has very progressive notions about reproduction, so be advised when vacationing on the sun with your swordfish husband.
  • Be wary of marrying Marinara-maids from the Amazon, as they make for most promiscuous lovers.
  • While a strong hypothesis may help your chances at a science fair, the key to winning is a well-presented poster board, flawless typography and a Sphinx constructed out of toothpicks.

I've purposefully left out some gems, so chime in attendees!

The game was raucous and excellent. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Also, we all agreed that Bridget won the prize for most remarkably rational Munchausen story. Seriously, we all sat quietly transfixed as she made perfect sense out of the ridiculous prompt.

Thanks guys!
user 8415259
Seattle, WA
Post #: 28
Hmm, less chiming than I'd hoped for! I'll add a few more:

  • An incident with the crocodile Pope spawns-- among things-- the phrase, "sure as the Pope shits in the swamp."
  • One of our storytellers turned out, after the question was put to her directly, to indeed be a vampiric bumblebee with stinger-fangs located on her elbow.
  • "I heard they were all ducks."

Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 175
The return of the crocodile Pope! Love it.

Our running jokes have gotten wonderfully out of hand.
user 11624621
Olympia, WA
Post #: 17
Sorry Pat! Here are more tidbits from the always fantastic Munchausen!

  • While many ducks may be a flock, three duck mystics make a Patooie
  • Be careful when you're vacationing in the solar system, as it currently smells strongly of naval lint and is covered with advertisements for the occult college.
  • Eight tentacles is better than one, and should you ever be charmed by an octoman you should take him up on his offers
  • "My husband, quite the artist, had gone to Naples to do some painting, but (I shutter to think of it) there had been rumors (and of course I don't believe them) that he had been partaking in other activities" "Is it not true that he was doing sculpture?!" *Collective gasp*
  • "I never did find my husband." "That's a relief!" Oh you art students. :P

Is Baron Munchausen a fantastic game? As surely as the pope shits in the swamp!
Xander V.
user 14240548
Seattle, WA
Post #: 2
The return of the crocodile Pope! Love it.

Our running jokes have gotten wonderfully out of hand.

Crocilius IV, so it might not be the same crocodile pope.

  • Mozzeralla Sticks are the French of the Appetizer world.
  • Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

    Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.