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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Truthseers (Shock)

What We Played: Truthseers (Shock)

A former member
Post #: 1
We played a fantasy-themed Shock.

Issues: privacy rights, centralized control, might makes right

Shock: Society is run by truthseers, an order of clerics that can see into your soul/future. They determine who lives and who dies to maintain order. The power is has been concentrated in the hands of the truthseers. The power can be taken by killing force by killing a truthseer.
Praxes: Establishment/Rebellion and Honest/Deceptive

1. Protagonist: Damrina (Trish), a warrior with strong familial ties to the truthseers. Damrina is approached by Yata, a friend and truthseer. Yata informs Damrina she must kill her son, Bardeen because he will grow up to do something horrible. Damrina feigns obeisance. When she returns, she learns that Yata is already at her house and informed the son of the decision of the truthseers. The son accepts his fate, but Damrina begs for 3 more days. Damrina appeals to the truthseers and learns there is a way to protect her son. She can go to a neighboring town and slaughter all the townspeople that somehow are related to Bardeen's future transgression. Damrina leads a squad of warriors on the town, slaughters the tonwsfolk and rides off having secured her son's life.

2. Protagonist: Ashur Ban (Ben), a truthseer of the inner circle. Ashur Ban has discovered the truthseeing power is actually an otherworldy intelligence with its own goals and desires. The truthseer becomes obsessed with killing the seer spirit to prevent its "human" influence and ultimately harness its power for his own purposes. Ashur Ban approaches another member of the inner circle, Bailden, and tells him the seer spirit is intelligent. Bailden is convinced Ashur Ban is delusional and has become corrupted with power. He plans to inform the inner circle of Ashur Ban's heresy. Ashur Ban tricks Bailden into drinking a potion that induces madness. While this interupts Bailden's report, the inner circle's security protocol is invoked by a strange thing happening to one of their members. Ashur Ban is cut off from receiving help from any of the other members. He uses his concubine in a ritual designed to summon and speak with the spriit that calls itself the Light of Vision. The benevolent spirit tells Ashur Ban it has subtly protected his race for millenia. If not for its influence, the race would have exterminated itself long ago. Ashur Ban succeeds in killing off the intelligence freeing his race to self-determine their destiny, but with it he loses all ambition and lust for power.

3. Protagonist: Nabo Sed (Jobe), a former initiate of the truthseers who now wishes to convince his father that the system of seering is hopelessly corrupt. Nabo Sed is expelled from the order of clerics when he refusing his final test - to kill father, a high-ranking member of the truthseers. He tells no one the reason for his expulsion and the community whispers behind his back that he is a coward for refusing to take his final test. His older brother, Madsa, is upset that Nabo Sed has sullied the family name. Nabo Sed attempts to convince the family to stop sending food to the city, becomes irate and strikes his older brother with a shovel. Nabo Sed is exiled from the family farm. When he fought with his brother, he stole his key to the truthseer temple. After dark, Nabo Sed steals into his brother's office and finds proof that his brother is using the power of seering for private gains. He brings the evidence to his father who is not impressed. His father is guilty of the same crimes and curses his foolish son's naivete. Crushed, Nabo Sed returns to exile.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.