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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Dragon Slayers (Fiasco)

What We Played: Dragon Slayers (Fiasco)

user 13294625
Seattle, WA
Post #: 51
Roberta Smith- Megan
Farn - Zach
Winnie - Shuo
Leum - Trek

Tired of killing measly troll rats all the time, Leum comes to the aid of his old drinking buddy, Winnie, when she requests his help to slay her town's dragon. Together with Farn, Leum's blood brother from a shady cult, and Roberta, Winnie's derisive step-sister, the four set out on a quest for fame and adventure.

Through coincidence and a bit of rope, the four manage to get the dragon to leave the town. After a few more ordeals including a showdown with Jared The Wicked at a three-legged race, a seduction in drag, and ill spent gold, three out of the four end up with a pretty standard Fiasco ending.

Roberta was killed to avenge the Mayor of the Trolls whom she accidentally beheaded. Winnie had to give up her extra troll legs as well as her human ones and spends her days watching three-legged races go by her hovel. Leum ends up building a house right next to a new dragon's lair. Farn, with the only happy ending of the lot, ends up celebrated wherever he goes.

Thanks for a fun game everyone!
A former member
Post #: 1
Thanks for the writeup and the introduction to Fiasco, Shuo. Now I understand the hubbub about Fiasco -- and how it could be used to run a serious/less whimsical game were everyone so inclined.

I'll be out of town for the next few weeks, but I'm looking forward to gaming again!
user 13294625
Seattle, WA
Post #: 52
My pleasure, Zach! I'm looking forward to gaming with you when you get back. :)
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.