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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Mostly Shipping (Shock)

Mostly Shipping (Shock)

A former member
Post #: 11
Players: Martin, sev, Eric
Issues: Scarcity, Civil Disobedience, Invasion of Privacy
Shock: Interstellar War

We all live on New Rangoon, a backwater mining colony economically dominated by the all powerful Trade Syndicate. Lately they've been having a civil war, and have stopped all imports while constantly demanding that we increase exports to help with their war effort.

Governor Kestrel Lin was one of the original settlers, and is friends with all the "old guard" who wield the local power . She's in her 70s, highly cynical, and used to getting her way. She institutes a frankly tyrannical program of confiscation and rationing in order to survive the embargo and build a defensive military fleet. The population is furious, of course, but her old guard friends stand by her and terrify everyone else into cooperating. Because that's what it takes to survive.

Captain Prang is a smuggler who wants to get the Syndicate off New Rangoon altogether. An irritating fellow captain ropes him into a federation of captains to negotiate with the Syndicate for better prices. Initially it looks like another way to stick it to the man, but the arrangement puts Prang under ever-tightening scrutiny, and ultimately he and his rebel contacts are arrested.

Soraya just wants to be an independent asteroid miner, but her mounting debts and love of gambling make that hard. She is forced to take a job mining somebody else's asteroid under constant supervision, and in her desperation to escape, falls in with smugglers. She pays her debt, but only by mortgaging her conscience by selling weapons of mass destruction to the rebels.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.