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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Bombing the Space Dock (Shooting the Moon)

Bombing the Space Dock (Shooting the Moon)

A former member
Post #: 12
It's the future, and war is brewing. On the awkward and isolated planet Trevor V, people are getting worried that the war might disrupt their otherwise peaceful life of asteroid mining. Councilwoman Rosa Flynn wants to throw Trevor's resources behind one of the sides in order to come out on top, while backroom political operative Thomas Karg wants to build fuckoff big guns all over the planet and hide. Both are hoping to recruit the planet's most notorious citizen- Captain Trina Roak of the Osprey, a spacefaring adventurer who absolutely denies all allegations of piracy.

Things get awkward when bounty hunters- under the strange misapprehension that Captain Roak is some kind of space pirate- attempt to destroy her ship while it's being repaired in a space dock, and the resultant battle causes loads of destruction on all sides. The peaceniks in the planetary council seem to want to arrest her or kick her off the planet or something, which would make it very difficult for Karg or Flynn to obtain her assistance. Some deft political maneuvering on their parts keeps the political furor down, and all they have to do is sell out their friends and betray their principles a bit. A scientist with a crush on Karg goes so far as to try and blow up the Osprey with him and Roak on board, but is outmaneuvered, shot, and thrown out the airlock. There is also something to do with rabid skunks, but frankly no one understands who planned that or how they thought it was going to work.

Thomas Karg bravely volunteers to keep the crew of the Osprey from getting bored or frustrated, and later awakens naked on the balcony of a fancy restaurant while the crew runs off to max out his credit cards. Councilwoman Flynn impresses Captain Roak by taking everyone for an inebriated joyride in her high tech hovercar. After Karg recovers from his hangover, Captain Roak cons him into blowing his defense budget outfitting her ship with top of the line shields and weapons, then immediately switches sides and agrees to go off to the war as Councilwoman Flynn suggests- but only on condition that Councilwoman Flynn resigns and joins the crew of the Osprey for the duration of hostilities.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.