Story Games Seattle Message Board › What We Played › What's *Your* Superpower? (Psi-Run)
Jamie F. |
user 12636925
Bellevue, WA |
My power was 'can be two places at once' - (because when we were deciding who to play what that night, Jess said, 'I wish I could be in both games at once' and Ben said, 'That can be your psi-run power.' But she played Shooting the Moon, so I took it.)
So I decided there was two of me, twins, with one consciousness. On the power-level spectrum, pretty weak. Two of my questions were: Why do I feel responsible for the pilot's death? and Why don't I feel bad about it? When it was their turn to answer my 'Why don't I feel bad about it' question, Ben said, 'Because the pilot was another one of your bodies, and she had stopped agreeing with you.' So awesome - like watching a movie where I think I know where it's going and then it goes someplace even better! And, what else? Erik was a hippie who could steal light and couldn't remember her own name - we nicknamed her Sunshine. Ben "What did I do to my daughter?" could bend space and turned out to be Erik/Sunshine's mom - she had Sunshine (then Clair) put in the Program at a young age ... but what's a mother to do? It was my best game of psi-run yet, though the epic living gods western was close. One thing that made it great for me was I didn't roll many 6's, so others were in charge of my memories. And we talked a lot about the things that can go wrongish with Psi-Run, frex: - using psychic destruction as a dump stat, until the GM gets blow-shit-up fatigue (we didn't do that) - not having a destination (we answered 'where is the dark room' fairly quickly and had something of a goal) - the vagueness of defining your goals: this we did have trouble with. I made fairly big sweeping goals like "I steal the helicopter" (even though it was filled with soldiers) or "I get first aid at a hospital" (getting ourselves two buffs for one harm-free roll - we both made it to the next location, the hospital, and I became unimpaired - I felt like I was being cheap but the others were like, no, go for it) Edited by Jamie Fristrom on Jun 8, 2012 3:35 PM |
Erik H. |
user 30994922
Seattle, WA |
Claire's questions were: When did my sight return? (I thought it was brilliant when you two retconned me with "Just now when you used your power the first time; you were blind in the scene up til now"), what will he do when he finds out its missing? (and you took that someplace DARK, but I did give you the in with the missing ring finger, and that did allow me to wrap up my storyline later) Where did I hide it? (which after Ben's memory about his daughter I realized what I had to do with that) and something about terror from last summer which will ever remain unanswered.
I enjoyed wrapping Claire and Laura's stories around one another. A lot. When it was done, I felt like the game session would have transitioned well into being a movie. Our reveals really dropped a few good game changers into the story. Speaking of--do you have the character sheets/scene cards still? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on them and charting the story arc and maybe noodling with it a touch. I found it hard to get momentum at first--where do three/four people go with no memory? Where do we run to, when we've got nothing but the need to run away from someplace? There wasn't enough mechanically to keep the game on whatever rails it needed; we did that handily on our own, I think, but the opportunity for such a game to crash and burn seemed significant. |
Ben R. |
Group Organizer Seattle, WA |
Our story came together super-tight. Wait, scratch that: that's a very inappropriate use of the passive voice. *We* tied the story together super-tight.
I particularly liked that our reasons for being there were so different. I was part of the project since *way* back, but had had a change of heart and was trying to get my daughter out decades too late. Which also fits why I was the one who seemed completely comfortable with my powers. I'd been a pro all along, unlike my uncontrollable daughter. I can totally picture the scenes in the base where I'm plotting the escape and looking for rebellious killer-duplicates who can help get us out, but who at the same time they are far too homicidal to really trust (which in hindsight fits perfectly with how we interacted during a lot of the early scenes, kind of sympathetic to the duplicates but also very wary, "handling" them a little fearfully). Same with the chopper crash: the idea that we were escaping in the chopper when it crashed, rather than escaping from a random crash, explains a ton, like why there was no one else in the chopper (no guards) and why the chasers were all over us so quickly -- of course they would be, they were hot on our trail after we escaped "the ship." Yeah, we rocked that plot, but it was definitely a player victory not a system victory. |