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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › And thus the Healer Embraced Death (Apocalypse World)

And thus the Healer Embraced Death (Apocalypse World)

A former member
Post #: 2
When: Saturday June 9th
Where: People's Koffee
Who: Alejandro (Pity), Arwen (Franky), Jay C. (Wheels), Jay L. (Psychic Maelstrom), Terry (Marlon)
What: Apocalypse World

Wheels: a well-meaning healer who is deeply disgusted with the world he lives in.
Marlon: a wanderer with wheels running odd jobs to cope with his yearning to have a home.
Pity: a strangely seductive and inappropriately dressed one-eyed freak who has lost three fingers and has a penchant for death.
Franky: an opportunist for hire specializing in finding and losing boxes.

In the haphazard northern community of Small Port, Franky has recently been duped by Monk, a local "businessman" who hired her to collect a cargo of boxes that he then proceeded to steal from her before claiming he had no reason to pay for missing merchandise. She asks Marlon to travel South and pick up Pity, who she can rely on to expedite the demise of Monk.

Having traveled to the bridge over the Grand River to find Pity and after spending two uneasy days traveling back North with her, Marlon falls victim to the charms of the freak and enjoys a night of unnamable pleasures in the intimacy of a ruined art center in the crater of an old volcano. Hidden in the trunk of Marlon's truck, Wheels--who has an odd obsession with Pity since she unsuccessfully tried to help him kill himself--can hear the sounds that come out of the ruined art center. Abandoning the car he stole from Franky to follow Pity South, he keeps traveling North with the couple in the trunk of Marlon's truck.

When Marlon, Pity and Wheels arrive back North in Small Port the local guards are arguing with Monk, who has climbed up a tower with two of his thugs and a girl from the local brothel. Madame Mimi, who runs the brothel, has asked for Franky's assistance and they are both coming out of the brothel as Marlon's truck arrives and Monk is asking the guards to leave him, his thugs and the girl alone. Marlon attempts to reason with Monk, but after he shoves one of the guards off the tower in the heat of the discussion Pity entices the other guards to avenge their partner by shooting the outlaw off the tower. Seeking an opportunity to lend a helping hand, Wheels considers assisting the fallen guard but confused by the whole situation decides to open his mind to the psychic maelstrom instead and is given a glimpse into the process by which the guard's soul leaves the dead man's body and vanishes into nothingness. With the image still clear in his mind he comes back to reality and finds Pity is approaching Visage, the girl from the brothel who is now weeping next to Monk's inert body. He knows she probably means to harm the young girl and unsuccessfully attempts to stop her.

Franky has seized the opportunity created by the whole situation to find the boxes Monk has stolen from her. She finds them by the motorcycles the group of thugs has brought to town and means to steal one of the bikes and take the boxes with her but in doing so attracts the attention of the remaining thugs who start firing in her direction. Marlon quickly gets back behind the wheel of his truck and drives by Franky who manages to jump into the back seat of the truck with the boxes taking only a minor injury from a bullet.

Since it quickly becomes clear that the group needs to get out of town, Pity does not have time to reason with Visage and understand what was going on between her and Monk. She forces the young girl into the back seat of the truck as Wheels jumps into the passenger seat and the group leaves town at full speed. They decide to head South to pick up Franky's car, which Wheels abandoned by the road when he decided to hide in Marlon's trunk to follow Pity. On their way south, Franky learns from Visage that Mimi and Monk have been running some kind of underground operation from the basement of the brothel, taking all kinds of stuff down to the basement (including boxes like the ones Franky just collected) and make strange sounds in the deep of the night.

By the time the group reaches the location of the abandoned automobile, Pity has decided it is time to coax Wheels into finishing what they had started long ago. She easily persuades him to go on a short hike with her as the remaining members of the group investigate the content of the boxes. Within the boxes, they discover a coil of copper wire, hundreds of small vials from before the apocalypse and a collection of gems, but before they get a chance to guess the purpose of the items they hear in the distance the hysterical laughter produced by Wheels as he tumbles to his death. Pity, it turns out, has helped the poor fellow see how little appeal the world has left for him and has suggested him to move on into the beyond.

Having settled the matter of the disturbed healer, Pity joins the others and they decide to head North again to find a mechanic with the skills to repair Franky's car. When they find the right person, the price turns out to be something different from what Franky expected, but something that Pity volunteers to cover, in the interest of learning something about the weaknesses of the salacious handy man.

Jay L.
Bellevue, WA
Post #: 8
Thanks for the write-up Alejandro! I hope we se you and Arwen again.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.