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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Big Paris (Fiasco)

Big Paris (Fiasco)

A former member
Post #: 6
In the Old West, in Boomtown, in Madame LaBelle's Big Paris, our story began. Around the house of pleasure's gambling tables sticky with spilled liquor and spilled blood, Casper Oswalt (me) and Dwane Malloy (Andrew) tried their luck. Casper left the table poor. Dwane left the table rich. He went straight to Mme. LaBelle (Demetra) to purchase the services of Cindy, a girl who had entranced him just the night before. She only agreed once he offered her all of his $40. Casper, who had been thrown out of Big Paris once he was out of money, sneaked back by climbing the wall to the second-story window. He heard Dwane and Cindy together and recognized the girl as the sheriff's daughter, missing from the town for the past months. He continued on and found his sister Jenny, and her daughter, only weeks old. Enraged that Mm. LaBelle had not told him of his new niece, had not allowed Jenny to tell, that his niece was being raised in a whorehouse, Casper left his sister's room and immediately found a target for his rancor in Dwane, without pants and just thrown out of Jenny's room the moment her services had been rendered. Their fight continued until Big Joe pulled them both outside and set in them with his boot and left them there.

Casper went to the sheriff the next morning to look for help in taking revenge on the man who had won all of his money and the woman who had twice thrown him from her business, but the sheriff brushed him off because of regular and generous payments from Mme. LaBelle. Casper did mention Cindy's whereabouts before he left, and the sheriff headed out to Big Paris to follow up the lead. Dwane, who only woke when the sheriff arrived, soon confirmed Cindy's present occupation and found himself arrested for still not having pants and sleeping with the sheriff's daughter. While Mme. LaBelle escorted the sheriff upstairs to look for his daughter, Dwane called out to her, and she appeared at a first-floor window. The moment he mentioned her pa was looking for her, Cindy grabbed an armful of clothes and jumped out the window and ran for the horizon with Dwane. The sheriff heard them making their mistake and leaned out the window with his pistol drawn on Dwane. Mme. LaBelle knocked him from the window, wanting to protect Cindy, but her troubles weren't over yet. Casper and his brothers Charlie and Johnny had arrived, armed to bear. Mme. LaBelle and Big Joe dug in. Only Casper made it into Big Paris and faced Mme. LaBelle. Not one of his bullets passed anywhere near her but a lantern was struck and ignited the dry wood.

Casper fought through the smoke and flames to save his sister but the baby was lost in the confusion. Big Paris and all of Mme. LaBelle's fortunes were burnt to the ground, and she soon found herself hanged for the sheriff's murder. Dwane successfully escaped with and married Cindy, but she died in childbirth, and when his son left him to look for work back east, Dwane returned to drink and the gambling tables.

This was a great game. I was worried at the beginning as Andrew had achieved Dwane's need of getting laid by the ambitious and beautiful saloon girl in his very first scene and I saw no clear climax, but it picked right up after the tilt and Andrew doubled down by making Dwane utterly infatuated with Cindy and wanting to marry her. I liked, too, that the entire story took place in under twenty-four hours as every scene was critical and pushed the story forward, sometimes which hasn't always happened in my Fiasco games that were more decompressed.
A former member
Post #: 131
I really need to play this game.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.