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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Dr. Prophet (The Quiet Year)

Dr. Prophet (The Quiet Year)

Kelley R.
user 12763030
Kent, WA
Post #: 2
Players: Pat, Beverly, Q?, Kelley

I am horrible with names and I of course didnt write them down. My apologies to the mysterious Q for not remembering his name. We played The Quiet Year, a game that Pat was playtesting, where you control a community in a post-apocalyptic setting.

In the middle of the map nestled between woods, plains, and a lake sat a national park where our community had put down roots. The resource we had in plenty was children, lots and lots of children. There was also a river between us and some swamplands and a cave.

There were kind of two major threads of things that went on.

One was a doctor who had haverested at least one child for their organs. He left the community and went to live in the cave across the river, but a number of people believed he was a good man and followed him. Some strange statues were discovered near the cave and a cult was born. When more people from the original community left to join the doctor and his cult, an attempt was made to infiltrate the cult and assassinate the doctor with the crude weapons that had been crafted from the metal that came from some scavenged RVs that were pushed by people power for 6 weeks across the map. The assassination failed. The doctor had been busy in the meantime, trying to subvert some "jungle children" to his cause, but he failed at that. One more attempt was made to get rid of the doctor, and the original community sent a former soldier to take care of him. But the game ended before we could see the result.

The other major thing going on was with the plains to the north of town. Man-made bunker size holes were discovered in the fields and a whole other community of people was uncovered living underground in a network of tunnels. They were armed. It was decided to fill in the hole that was found, keeping the dangerous people away. But more holes were found all over the plains, but the game ended before we could discover what they were about.

Other things that happened:

  • A large garden was created with irrigation channels dug from the nearby lake. It was all destroyed in a tornado.
  • A armored convoy was seen driving through the plains and a soldier was found wandering the fields shot and bloody.
  • With tools found from the swamp, a great lodge was made to house all the children.
  • Great beasts roamed the woods. We were in the middle of killing them all for food when the game ended.

Neat little game. I liked the card mechanic for the seasons. Thanks to Pat for introducing us to it.

If I can figure out how to put up photos I have a pic of the map and final resources.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.