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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Stories from a Near Future (Shock)

Stories from a Near Future (Shock)

Ian L.
user 43771082
Seattle, WA
Post #: 1
Players: Ian, Marc and Beverly
Issues: Mechanization of Workforce, Energy Crisis and Classism
Shock: Machines replace people as workers. The great energy crisis occurred when the last of the coal and petroleum was used on earth. During this time human labor was crucial to keep society together long enough for scientists to develop new and improved machines. During this time labor laws were passed that made it a crime to be unemployed. When the machines were developed with a new energy source they quickly replaced human workers in almost all fields. This increased distrust amongst people and also lead to the creation of a new social class the sloths also known as the unemployed. Who are hated by the employed population.
Praxis: Self Preservation vs Martyrdom, Mind vs Heart.

A young lab assistant Julia Whitmeyer is forced to suppress the discovery of a new power source the 1-52 isotope when she finds that it drains the life out of living things. Her antagonist and boss Dr. James Emmerson is glory driven and blind to the danger of the new power source. This forces her to expose him when he first presents the 1-52 isotope to the most powerful people in the world. After being ruined Dr. Emmerson kills Julia by chucking a chunk of the isotope at her.

A young sloth Haile Smith is forced to join a companion house when she is dislocated. She eventually finds herself employed by one of her client an elitist billionaire Byron Aron. After serving as his gardener for two years Haile sets out to start a business growing food with human hands. She seeks capital for the endeavor at a dinner also attended by Byron who embarrasses her in front of the croud because he is appaled that sloth scum could ever possibly own a business. Despite this she still gets her capital and is able to employ many sloths that were just like her.

A professor of robo-human dynamics Dr. Issac Carter grapples with the importance of human relationships in life when he discovers ancient books from before the energy crisis. He is the asked by one of his few friends Dr. John Hoffman to help him develop the first humanized machine. He reluctantly agrees. After spending time with the finalized machine Issac decides to set off and create a new society because in this one people and machines can’t seem to love.

It was a great game of shock especially because two of the players were doing it for the first time. Our issues meshed well together and we were able to create a cohesive world for our characters. With everyone on the same page we were able to get right to the human issues.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.