Story Games Seattle Message Board › Everything Else › Coffee and Game Design (Coffee Optional)
Jay L. |
Bellevue, WA |
I am modifying my schedule so that, on the days we have a Saturday meetup, I will be coming early to the Scratch Deli (formerly People's Republic of Coffee) to talk game design with any interested parties.
It's time for talk, but mostly for brainstorming, playstorming, and playtesting. Inspiration time. I'd love to see you there. Bring a game to kick around, or just come to be a helpful friend. I'll be there at 10am, and we'll go until the meetup starts at 1--I'll be bringing the energy from lively design discussions into the awesome story games we'll play, and you can too. This is an unofficial thing that I'm doing. If it turns out to be at all popular, I'll talk to Ben about whether we can make it an official thing. Edited by Jay Loomis on Nov 5, 2012 7:22 PM |