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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › 1001 Nights: The Mysterious Egg And Other Tales

1001 Nights: The Mysterious Egg And Other Tales

A former member
Post #: 8
Players: Jamie, Mycorah, Eddie, myself.

Super fun game of 1001 Nights tonight with a high-powered crew!

We did three zippy stories. My favorite was the second. Mycorah the GM framed us into a peasant autopsy / entrail reading that my physician and Eddie's astrologer were conducting. This ceremony fascinated Jamie's concubine, whom Mycorah's love-struck falconer was stalking.

In order to distract from this grisly scene, the falconer entertained us with the story of The Mysterious Egg.

Once upon a time, a farmer discovered a golden egg buried in his fields! Dreaming of riches, he took it home and tried to hatch it by sitting on it. Meanwhile his unfaithful wife carried on with the sexy fieldhand.

But then a sorcerer came for the egg, and the wife betrayed her husband in exchange for a wish. She wished that the fieldhand and her husband would switch bodies! But then she discovered that she loved the fieldhand for his body, and with her husband's soul in it, she had found the complete lover.

"So you see," my physician said, holding up a double handful of entrails, "it is the flesh that matters more than the soul!"

Thanks to you guys for a very enjoyable game. 1001 Nights is one of my favorites, I have to get it onto the table more.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.