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Story Games Seattle Message Board Everything Else › Want to help me test a Fiasco playset/hack?

Want to help me test a Fiasco playset/hack?

Seattle, WA
Post #: 4
Hi all,

I'm working on a Victorian Urban Gothic playset called "Of Silk and Steel Towers." Because I wanted consistency of tone and a strong thematic thrust, I also wrote a new Tilt table based on the Seven Deadly Sins (minus gluttony), and a new Aftermath table based on the tension between Social vs. Personal consequences. And just for kicks, I threw in some optional Aftermath rules that I've called Preordained Fate. These might change the game enough to be considered a hack.

I've gotten positive preliminary feedback from friends with game design experience (Jackson, Hans, and Tayler, if name-dropping boosts my cred :P), and now I'd like to see all this stuff in action. I have some story-game-curious friends who are interested, but I left my experienced story gamer and designer friends in Portland. I'm excited to test the set itself with new or less experienced gamers, but I think the hack needs the critical eye of someone who understands the guts of these kinds of games.

The next playtesting event on this site is after I leave for Brazil. I'm hoping a couple of people can get together either before Christmas or during the first week in January. Anyone interested? Let me know!

- Hannah
A former member
Post #: 4
I believe the second tuesday of every month there's a Playtest Storygames on Cap Hill.


Not a bad place to try things out.
Seattle, WA
Post #: 5
Unfortunately, like I said, I'll already be on a plane to Brazil when that next takes place. But thanks!
Sam Kabo A.
user 30231972
Honolulu, HI
Post #: 21
That sounds like a fun thing. Where were you thinking?
A former member
Post #: 5
That's what I get for not reading the last paragraph! Curses!
A former member
Post #: 9
I also think this sounds quite interesting and am available weekdays after 6:30 and weekends anytime.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.