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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Uplift Pains (Microscope)

Uplift Pains (Microscope)

Sam Kabo A.
user 30231972
Honolulu, HI
Post #: 22
Players: Sam, Jess, Shimon, Mark. This was my first time facilitating Microscope and Mark and Shimon's first time playing, so it was a little rougher than might have been desired; still, a useful experience.

Big Picture: Humanity reaches space and is inducted into the Intergalactic Alliance. Beginning: humans reach space and are inducted. End: humans cease to exist as a distinct species.

Yes: FTL, interspecies marriage, sentient robots
No: human exceptionalism, Ancient Lost Civilisations, Universal Translators

Focus 1: Social Equals?
This focused largely on the evacuation of Talrok Colony, which ended up being the central event that most of the history rotated around: faced with an underfunded and failing terraforming effort, the governor abandoned a lot of the colony's poorest to their fate. Legacy: Talrok Act Enacted (it was never quite clear what this was, but it was strongly implied to be punitive to humans.)

Focus 2: Organic and Inorganic Life Begin to Merge
On a remote space-station laboratory, humans experiment with a human-some-other-alien hybrid, and discover that, in addition to exceptional mental powers, it can remember events that happened on Talrok, long before its birth. (This gave us a pretty cool opportunity for a framed flashback scene.) Legacy: race-memory.

Focus 3: Meanwhile, back on Old Earth...
This was a pretty all-over-the-place Focus without very many scenes (we were pretty scene-light overall). The general picture began to emerge: the Talrok business got humanity heavily censured and ostracised (possibly confined to Earth; at any rate, lots of humans got exiled), but ongoing tampering with AI and race-memory led to some singularity-like event that transformed... certainly humans, possibly a good chunk of the rest of the universe.

A lot of particulars were left at Event-level vagueness, and we finished after just three rounds, so this was a more nebulous Microscope even than normal. One thing that I need to keep in mind: if you have a conflict in mind to drive a scene, really make sure that everybody knows what that conflict is.
Sam Kabo A.
user 30231972
Honolulu, HI
Post #: 23

(Mooria was not an official player).
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 343
Humanity reaches space and is inducted into the Intergalactic Alliance.

I really like that as a history seed. When Jess mentioned it in the picture caption my reaction was "!!!". Jealous.

A lot of particulars were left at Event-level vagueness, and we finished after just three rounds, so this was a more nebulous Microscope even than normal.

I'm always a big fan of tighter foci. If you make up a very specific person or thing as the focus you jump to more concrete level of play much faster.

One thing that I need to keep in mind: if you have a conflict in mind to drive a scene, really make sure that everybody knows what that conflict is.

Definitely. That's really what Questions are for, telling the other players what you want out of the scene.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.