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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Alligator Gods + Missionaries (The Quiet Year)

Alligator Gods + Missionaries (The Quiet Year)

Seattle, WA
Post #: 10
Players: Feiya, Pat, Katie Jo, Shimon
Setting: Swamp/Marsh with a large river and several tributaries that fed into it.
Resources: Peat, Clean Water, Medicine, Meat, Tools, Weapons, Dried Berries, Potatoes

Our community was peaceful and free loving, with the children being community-reared. Unfortunately, missionaries came and started brainwashing some of the children and we waged a bitter and bloody campaign against them. Our Alligator Gods were even hunted to death by the missionaries and by the time Winter came, we realized we had to leave and try to join the fruit growers down south of the river. They knew it was the right choice because right before they set off, an albino Alligator God was found with a clutch of 6 eggs, five of which hatched and we were able to bring them with us. Unfortunately, the fruit growers were soon found by the missionaries and when the Frost Shepherds came, we were right at the brink of waging war against the missionaries in their midst again, and also convincing the fruit growers of the danger.

Hilariously awful thing that happened: a project was started to create weapons, spears and bow and arrows to use against the missionaries. Right before the project finished, there was a fight that broke out because of disagreements on whether or not weapons should be created and the community's gentle giant was killed because he was shoved and tripped and fell onto an unfinished spear. Then the project was finished and the quote was "Well, the weapons work."

The progression of the year and the community felt very natural and we were constantly amazed by the cards we drew, how they fit into what was going on perfectly. It was my first time playing The Quiet Year and I was originally a little wary about the map drawing aspect of it, but it turns out that very little is usually enough to get the point across.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.