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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Family in the Wild West (Fiasco)

Family in the Wild West (Fiasco)

Seattle, WA
Post #: 11
Players: Feiya, Megan, Brendon, Cathy

This was the first story game I've ever played where I drank at the same time. I think the consequence of that was that there was a bit of yelling and I played with an accent the entire night. I'm normally pretty self-conscious about doing an accent, and maybe some redneck lingo slipped in here and there, but I really enjoyed it.

All of our characters were related, either by marriage or by blood:
Sam Johnson (Feiya) - A trans man who had been married to Ofelia Tiddy these last 10 years until she was hanged.
Annie Blackwell (Megan) - Sam (Samantha's) mother, who is the widow of the town's mortician and has been running the business since her husband died. She disapproves of her daughter passing as a man, but has kept his secret. Is often drunk.
Bill Spurs (Brendon) - Was married to Ofelia Tiddy these last 2 years until she was hanged. Then got a mail order bride from Ireland.
Randi Spurs (Cathy) - The mail order bride from Ireland. She runs the local bar.

  • Sam and Bill find out they were both married to the same woman at the same time and Sam challenges Bill to a duel at high noon on Friday.
  • Randi and Annie conspire to off Bill earlier than Friday, Randi because she's tired of him, Annie because Bill has threatened to reveal Sam's secret of being a woman.
  • Their plan (mix in phenolic acid with Bill's goose grease lube) works!

The story revolved heavily around the family relations and we had a great time with the names and made lots of dick jokes.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.