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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Shooting the Head (StM)

Shooting the Head (StM)

Sam Kabo A.
user 30231972
Honolulu, HI
Post #: 49
Megan wanted a totally unromantic Shooting the Moon, and we went with the Capitol Hill Zombopocalypse.

The Beloved: Ali Smith (Megan), doctor and guardian of postapocalyptic daycare
Well-equipped, Reluctant Leader, Scientific Genius, Altruistic, Witty, Strong-Stomached
Opportunity: Running low on medical supplies - who gets the last dose of anti-zombie vaccine?
Obstacle: Factionalism.
Dream: Clear the zombies from Virginia Mason and set up a vaccine-production lab.

Suitor 1: Buck (Mo)
Inspiring but cowardly, selfish but guilty, logical but insensitive
Buck was a Ruthless Ambition type, aiming to unite the warring bands of Capitol Hill against the real threat - those suit-and-tie Downtown assholes. For him, the vaccine was important as much because it would be a signal that he was indispensable to the community.
Conflict: Megalomania.

Suitor 2: Coates (Sam)
Loner but Needy, Generous but Keeps Score, Emotional but Self-Controlled
Coates was an urban-explorer/scavenger, increasingly dissatisfied with the increasingly political social order. His long-term plan was to take his little sister Jenny and go to make a living off the land around Mt. Rainier, but to survive alone he'd need the vaccine.
Conflict: Contrarian.

This suffered a bit from the common StM problem of the Suitors being explicit, out-and-out rivals in every sphere of life; I think StM's more insteresting when the Suitors have some incentive to cooperate some of the time.

Actual zombies: very much out of the spotlight. Which was fine with me.

Megan won nearly all of her rolls, and departed on the Helicopter to Elsewhere (with Jenny in tow, natch.)
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.