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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Sweet Subversion (Microscope)

Sweet Subversion (Microscope)

Tim M.
Seattle, WA
Post #: 5
Players: Caroline, Tom (new), Tim

Our setup sentence: Great and terrible changes forever change the very soul of the candy continent.

Yes to: Artificial sweeteners, candy magic, taffy stretching, serious moments

No to: Digital tech, god(s), flesh people (a.k.a. humans)

Our periods: "The Prosperous and Orderly Era of the Licorice Democracy," "The Salt Water Taffies Explore the Seas Around the Candy Continent," "Trade Prospers While Tensions Mount With the Newly Discovered Medicinal Mainland," and finally "The Reign of King Cough Drop"

The two focuses: "The Popsicle Lands of the North" and "International Politics"

Our first legacy was the love between the Popsicle Princess Blueberry and strapping taffy lad Taffin. The second was Betrayal.

So, those are all the technical details of our bizarre, silly, occasionally flat-out corrupt history of a land of sentient candy and the nearby land of sentient medicinal foodstuffs. This game had a few great moments, but I felt that our pace ended up being very slow, and I personally take responsibility for a lot of that slowness. The downside of that was that only two of the three of us got to be Lenses, which I thought was a shame. That being said, I suppose any game about candy that also involves ritual sacrifice and dismemberment (no, not the same scene) can't be taken as a total loss. We also got to have some fun with the Push mechanics of the game, which I hadn't used at all in my other experience with Microscope, as we fought over who got to be sacrificed.

Thank you so much to Caroline for facilitating. And thanks to Tom for breaking the love of my life into cold, unresponsive pieces with a taffy stretcher. No really. And don't tell me I have player/character separation issues.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 418
Candy-on-candy violence? Taffy torture? I can't leave you people alone for two minutes!!!
Seattle, WA
Post #: 21
My dentist says that this whole affair is rotten to the core.
Olympia, WA
Post #: 66
In a word: sweet.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 423
I was shocked and astounded to discover that there was a _second_ candy-themed Microscope game this weekend. This one is in Ohio:­

Seriously, what is going on?!?
user 11624621
Olympia, WA
Post #: 86
The candy continent was the BEST! All our scenes were a TREAT to role play. The whole game was SPRINKLED with delightful humor and serious conversations (one of the items on the palate no less). Part of the FROSTING ON TOP for me was not actually knowing what happened at the end with King Cough Drop. I liked knowing that the destruction of all our sacred sugar values was just around the next period.

Tim, don't fret about the pacing! We had many wonderful scenes, and I don't mind having sat out as the lens. NEXT TIME! Then we'll have the focus be CANDY FRIENDSHIP. And it will be the *best*.

Thanks Tim! Thanks Tom! Thanks group in Ohio that had simultaneous candy fun!
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.