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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Intellectual Property (or "How to Host Complete and Utter F***ing Insan

Intellectual Property (or "How to Host Complete and Utter F***ing Insanity") - Geiger Counter

Tim M.
Seattle, WA
Post #: 11
Players: Alex, Feiya, Brendon, and Tim.

Premise/Budget/Menace etc.: Our movie takes place in the near future, everyone has a smart phone, wireless is pandemic, essentially Now+. The setting is the Seattle township of Freelard (pronounced suspiciously like Ballard). The menace is a mentally ill semi-invisible former anti-piracy enforcer. And no, that is not the height of this story's crazy. Our budget is nearly infinite, and our director is an artiste who is trying out every damn camera angle he always thought would be cool to do, repeatedly.

First main character: Handsome Rob, a Metro bus driver who is built like a fortress, with zero tolerance for fare evaders and cars in the bus lane. Also, dearest desire is to "accidentally" kill someone, again, with his bus so that he can get transferred to train conducting.

Second main character: Artie, the vinyl-collecting, manual espresso machine-loving, pager-owner who acts as barista for his own upscale coffee bar on the ground floor of a highrise...with the top floor being his penthouse apartment...where he carves vinyl ripoffs out of cardboard. Dearest desire is to get a girlfriend.

Third main character: Lily Phile, age 8, lover of puppies...and Sociopath. Dearest desire is to steal someone else's dog.

Fourth main character: Stanislev Kramerevsky, scientist, pretty much to blame for all this. What he would very much like to do is to observe the menace kill someone without being know, for science.

Interesting expendables: A homeless gal surviving by being used as a human wi-fi hotspot, a VHS fanatic that has set up his own little shrine (complete with glass cases and spotlights) in an abandoned Blockbuster, a LARPer who likes to spend his summers in full plate armor (but he made it himself), and well...those are the weirder ones...the others could almost be considered normal people.

You know, almost...

So, this game was absolutely hilarious. I personally had a ball. It couldn't hurt that our main characters were nearly as crazy as the menace. Sadly, we didn't finish it. We had built the menace up to 7 dice...and it was time to go home. We were left with the image of two halves of a bloody lab coat falling to the floor as Dr. Kramerevsky was...killed? the menace. I really want to thank the other players for totally going there with the illogic and insanity. I have never had more fun listening to descriptions of camera angles in my life.

Who knows...maybe we will finish this game. Perhaps this is "To be continued...". Regardless, this was a great way to approach Geiger Counter. Either I would love this movie if it actually existed, or I would collect copies and burn them. I can't really say...
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 428
We need a "like" button for these…
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.