Story Games Seattle Message Board › What We Played › World's Most Dangerous Curtain Rod (Fiasco) -- Part 1
Tim M. |
Seattle, WA |
Players: Dani, John, Lizzie, Shimon, Manu, Tim
Playset: Home Invasion Characters (All 6 of 'Em): Gwen R. -- President of the Homeowner's Association, emotionally cold, building something in a secret drywalled-in room in her basement...apparently British (closet alien...not in the British sense). Brandon B. -- Vice President of the Homeowner's Association, who needs to get out of this irritating H.O.A. commitment he has made to Gwen R. Also an undercover police officer. Also secretly in love with... Peggy Doyle -- ...who knows that he is plotting against her, just knows it. Next-door neighbor to Brandon B. Owner of rose bushes. Wants to leave this neighborhood behind forever, by selling her house to.... Percival O'Neal -- Hates Dave Weatherford. HAATTTEESSSS Dave Weatherford. Moved to town to destroy Dave Weatherford. Trying to buy Peggy's house because it has a good view of Dave Weatherford's house. Owner of curtain rod in a cardboard box...which is a closet sawed-off shotgun (complete with homemade silencer). Previously estranged, newly reunited brother of.... Mac O'Neal -- ...who works at the local hardware store. Relatively nice guy...except for his likely involvement in a truly impressive (by sheer volume) list of criminal activities. Employee and right-hand man to.... Vinnie Wimple -- Owner of hardware store. Next door neighbor to Gwen R. Doesn't like her. Also, as it turns out, not particularly bright. ..........Did I mention that Percival doesn't like Dave Weatherford? So, through the application of bent space-time, we managed to complete a six-person game of Fiasco in just over 2 1/2 hours. That means 24 scenes + setup + epilogues in 150 minutes. Boggles my mind. The general plot: Percival O'Neal has come town and tries to convince his brother Mac to help him frame and/or murder Dave Weatherford. Mac isn't really on board. He is, however, on board with his boss Vinnie's plan to break in and discover what Gwen R. is keeping in the drywalled-in room in her basement. Gwen suspects Vinnie is up to something. Brandon tries to convince Gwen to let him leave the H.O.A. She refuses. Brandon continues his doomed quest to win over his next door neighbor, Peggy, who is certain that his friendliness is a ploy for her to let her guard down (my interpretation). Percival decides to buy Peggy's house, needing very little buttering up. After all...the location is perfect. He then has an awkward, but somehow not-dealbreaking conversation with Gwen B. of the Homeowner's Association about his maybe-kindof-sortof having a firearm (banned by H.O.A. rules), and tries to convince her that Dave Weatherford has one...or will tomorrow (after he plants it in his basement). That night, Vinnie and Mac break in to Gwen's house to does Peggy, separately (She is very suspicious of the H.O.A.). Everyone awkwardly tries to explain why they are there. Apparently there are problems with the plumbing and unexplained screaming sounds...and well, anyway, I guess we'll all leave now. But they are all caught on camera... ...which leads to Gwen confronting Vinnie and Mac over tea, and then later confronting Peggy...all of whom somehow do not end up in jail...yet. Speaking of confronting...Percival's kind gesture of installing a curtain rod in Dave Weatherford's basement for him is thwarted by the appearance of Brandon B., who reveals his undercover-copedness and demands that Percival either give up his plan of purchasing Peggy's house, or show him what's in the box. Percival agrees to back off. Meanwhile, Peggy comes to Vinnie's Hardware and the three previous home-breakers discuss their shared dislike/distrust of the H.O.A. President, along with developing a general consensus that Gwen is keeping meth-lab equipment in that basement. Which bring us to the Tilt. If you have read this far, thank you for your inspiring patience. Yes, I'm only half done (less than half done, in point of fact). If you would like to stop reading now, please feel free to do so. If not....please refer to post #2. |