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Story Games Seattle Message Board Play Outside › Wing and Claw (Kingdom)

Wing and Claw (Kingdom)

user 107147552
Seattle, WA
Post #: 5
We played Kingdom at the Queer Geek crossover meetup. Given the geek theme, it was only appropriate that we play a kingdom of dragons!
Characters: Kyrie, teacher of the ancient songs (Perspective); L'zaa, emissary to the Clockwork City of Okaje (Perspective); Heleth, retired member of the great council (Touchstone); Oliver, grandchild to Heleth (Touchstone)
Crossroads 1: Will we help our allies in Okaje begin trade with the draconophobes in Ravzok? Yes, in that L'zaa will just go and do it, and nobody will stop her.
Crossroads 2: Will we overthrow the government of Ravzok and put someone more friendly in their place? Yes. Actually we'll just conquer Ravzok and place it directly under dragon control, traditions be damned.

This was a lovely and evocative game and everybody had fun. A couple interesting points:
1) This is the first time I've tried epic fantasy Kingdom, and since that's a very variable genre I imported Microscope's palette mechanic. Among other things we had Yes to magical geography and No to elves/dwarves/etc. It was handy, and I'd consider doing it again.
2) We began the game with no Power characters. That actually worked out very well too. Often there's a problem with people becoming settled in their initial role, and that didn't happen here because it was clear to everyone that somebody was going to have to take power. (In the end, everyone but me had taken power at some point.)
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.