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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › It's Raining (Fetal) Pigs (Fiasco)

It's Raining (Fetal) Pigs (Fiasco)

Seattle, WA
Post #: 13
High school setting of Fiasco, leading up to and culminating in the Prom. Since we were all around the same age, we set it in the 1990s with pagers and such. It was fun kind of playing out Mean Girls, the popular bitch, nerds, revenge and unlikely love pairs.

The Players:
Feiya (me) - Jenni Pitt
Rachel - Amy Kerpowski
Aaron - Leon Brubaker
Jerome - Scott "Shade" DelFino

Some Highlights:
Leon & Scott were math nerds and managed to impress the rival hotties enough at regionals to convince them to go to Prom with them. Unfortunately, at that point, their lack of suaveness showed through and they were left dateless on the dance floor.

Jenni (with an i) got showed up at Prom by Amy, who had an identical dress and wore it better.

Prom finished with a splat as Amy and Leon staged an epic gross-out revenge plot on Jenni by stealing a bag of fetal pigs and planning to dump them as the Prom King and Queen were up on stage. But of course, even the best laid plans usually don't go off without a hitch. In this case, the hitch was a large tear in the bag.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.