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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › The Deity, The Signal, The Voice, The Word, and The Abilities (Micro-Micros

The Deity, The Signal, The Voice, The Word, and The Abilities (Micro-Microscope)

Aaron L.
user 139852352
Bellevue, WA
Post #: 4
Players: Jerome, J.C., and Aaron(Me!)

Setting: A very small town somewhere in the US

Allowed: Inexplicable Phenomena, Divine Gifts, 50's, Doomsday
Disallowed: Matching Outfits, Space Aliens, Christianity, Child Brides, 24 News Cycle

Starting Bookend: A Woman discovers she is the daughter of God.
Ending Bookend: Ascension by Cop.

Our game lasted for six total rounds with the following focuses (Focii?)

  • She
  • The Word
  • The Signal
  • The Voice
  • Miracles
  • Abilities

Notable Characters:

  • FBI Agent Jim Thompson
  • 'She/Eros'
  • Natasha Romanoff
  • Follower Peter
  • Follower Bill
  • Follower Max
  • FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

The Game began with a young woman discovering she was the daughter of God. At the same moment, "The Signal" begins appearing on government communication lines. Later, In the square of this small town 'She' performs a miracle, which amounts to her glowing brightly and blinding almost everybody in the town. Anybody who had been blinded by 'Eros' quickly began writing down every single word that is uttered which we deemed 'The Chronicling'.

Agent Thompson acquires a journal from Follower Peter in a crazy dog park incident and begins getting deeper in to the world of 'Eros' After an interesting encounter with Mrs. Romanoff, Agent Thompson departs the Dog Park unsure of anything in this small town.

The Signal has now spread to Civilian Phone lines, Thompson enlists the help of a Telecom line worker to listen in on the Signal Line, which only reveals that 'It' is coming in one month. Thompson continues to be confused about everything, and slowly begins losing parts of his sanity.

'She/Eros' discovers that she now has 'The Voice' a power which allows her to speak the unknowable truth about any and all people. Also 'The voice is slightly deeper in tone.

Thompson, now more confused than ever confronts 'Eros' in the town square. Upon speaking to 'She' Thompson becomes content with everything that has happened and almost unconsciously begin writing down everything that 'She' says. (The word Bliss was used quite a bit to describe the feeling)

Until now this has been a somewhat isolated incident, however one Sunday night while people all around america are watching the Jackie Gleason show 'She' appears on the screen to tell the country to "Come with us.... Soon"

The A.T.F. and F.B.I. quickly get involved and at the urging of FBI director J.Edgar Hoover get a team of agents together to send to the town. Not before Hoover flies out ahead of the oncoming storm to see this woman for himself. J. Edgar meets Eros just outside of town where She tells Hoover his ultimate secret. The Director can not believe his ears and draws his sidearm in a attempt to end the perceived threat to the american people. He is quickly disarmed by; now follower Natasha Romanoff, who quickly dismantles the weapon. J Edgar flees the town and sends in a calvary of FBI and ATF agents to encircle the town.

The First followers who had been blinded begin to gain Mutant like abilities, this does not bode well for Follower Bill who accidentally burns down City hall, or Follower Max who gains control of individual Molecules, he ends up losing a hand in the process, and eventually his life but not before disintegrating a couple of FBI agents.

A lone FBI agent is sent in to town to speak with Agent Thompson, now Follower Thompson. Things quickly degrade for Follower Thompson who gains Cryokenesis powers. Follower Bill accidentally immolates the FBI agent in his car, proving that the Followers are a threat to Society.

Even J. Edgar Hoover gains the ability to perfectly Mimic any voice once he has heard it. He is last seen heading off to his office to record some tapes.

Finally our story end with the Signal Stopping just a quickly as it started.
This was a super fun game to play. Starting with a interesting premise we ending up heading in a direction that was so far away from where we thought it was going to go. Everybody at the table contributed awesome suggestions as the game went on.

I really liked playing Microscope on a very 'Micro' scale, it allowed for a ton of awesome character development, and some really interesting secondary characters that turned out to be pretty important in the end.

Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.