Story Games Seattle Message Board › What We Played › Oh Yeah? See How You Feel When Someone Shoves a Cat Into YOUR Chest! (Fiasco)
Tim M. |
Seattle, WA |
Date of Play: Several eternities ago, on a Saturday
Players: Dani, Davis, Tim ( x3 ) -- No really, we had an unsettling abundance of Tims at the table. Playset: Toil and Trouble I'm going to keep this one short (I'm just not up for a long drawn out writeup this time)... The General Situation: Prinella Dumont, a young student of an upstanding wizard school, is receiving tutelage in the Dark Arts from absent-minded Muggle Studies professor Daggle-Morkin Carmellion, without his knowledge (The old braincase isn't quite what it used to be). Daggle-Morkin is not on great terms with his fellow professor (of Statistics) Mitz Cragmore, probably partially due to the fact that Professor Cragmore is in point of fact a student simply pretending to be a professor, by the name of Fitz Bilmore. Fitz (in his student role) is on the school's Magic Disc Toss team with Uther, a generally good-natured heir to a long important line of wizards, while also happening to be his professor--but, as we mentioned before, not really. Uther's familiar, Bandit the Mute Cat (See above for foreshadowing of the future of poor Bandit), is being held hostage by Selmy Davenous, who wants Uther to spill the beans about the whereabouts of his (Uther's) family's ancestral sword. The less than upstanding Selmy also happens to be step-siblings with the at-the-beginning-of-the-paragraph mentioned Prinella. Together they share an illegal severed human hand artifact (Touching, I know). The Fallout (also in general): As anticipated, Bandit get roughly shoved into Professor Daggle-Morkin's chest by Selmy the thug. This magically reverses Daggle-Morkin's aging (and with it, his memory loss). Turns out, doing this was a terrible idea (Who knew? Guess I'll put this cat down now). You see, in his younger years, Daggle-Morkin was a terrifyingly powerful dark wizard who made the leaders of the "free" world dance like puppets (Incidentally, as it turns out...before that he also happened to be Vlad the Impaler...a.k.a. Dracula). So, with his newfound mental youth, he sets about mind-controlling / imprisoning / intellectual-property-stealing / generally bad-guying the other characters. In other news, Selmy gets eaten by a passing Night Shade during a dark ritual involving a rather record-setting display of cruelty to animals...and then is reborn again from within said Night Shade with the help of Prinella (amazingly, it seems he meant to get eaten). The ancestral sword, stolen by Vlad/Daggle-Morkin, ends up in Prinella's hands, finally actually to be given back to Uther. Vlad-Daggly gets turned to stone, has his stone heart eaten by...see if you can guess it....Selmy, and turns out better for it. Aftermath Type Things: I don't remember this real clearly. I do know that Selmy ended up killing half the world, Uther unfortunately belong to that half. Prinella somehow ended up becoming some kind of elevated being (guess she had just been going through her rebellious Practicing Evil Magic youth phase). Vlad ends up living in the school kept company by the ghosts of its previous inhabitants that he had politely trapped there for eternity. I don't remember what happened to Fitz...maybe Davis could leave a comment if he remembers? And that's that. This was my first time playing the "Harry Potter" playset for Fiasco, and we had some fun. If I had written this sooner, I might have something more profound or insightful to say...but the world will never know... Thank you to Dani, Tim, Tim, Tim (myself), and Davis for corrupting the literary dreams of the world's children with me. Until next time. Edited by Tim Mauldin on Dec 3, 2014 2:31 PM |
Dani L. |
user 87036972
Seattle, WA |
Thanks for the write-up Tim! It was an interesting playset that definitely captured the spirit of Harry Potter... but Fiascoish! None of the characters deserved the "happy" endings they got, LOL. Except Fitz, he wasn't terrible. I thought everyone rolled really well with the elements others introduced. You were a trooper for taking what Awesome Tim threw at you. :) Was a fun time around the table.
- Dani, aka The Being Formerly Known as Prinella Dumont |