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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › III Rings (House of Reeds)

III Rings (House of Reeds)

Tim M.
Seattle, WA
Post #: 61
Players: Ben, Evan, Heather, Tim

The House: An enormous traveling circus spaceship

The Rooms:

The III Rings: A performance space made up of three spheres, rotating around each other, with entirely malleable gravity

The Bunks: A community sleeping space with essentially no privacy with the exception of one set apart chamber normally reserved for the Ringmaster.

The Menagerie: Full of many caged delights for the enjoyment of the planetary masses, including: A petting zoo, butterflies, a lion, a family of gnomes, plasma beings, IT, and a real Zargax!

The Labrynth: A large holochamber with a built-in, lowerable hedge maze and a domed viewing ceiling to look out on the stars.

The Characters:

Josephine (Originally 35): Zargax Tamer and *ahem* "entertainer" of local planetary dignitaries. Not a particularly pleasant person, and particularly hates Samba.

Samba (Orig. 24): Tumbler, tall and mysterious. Acts as sort of a big sister figure to Lanny.

Lanny (Orig. 14): Stowaway turned ship's helper, and later on ship's mechanic (by way of sabotaging said ship).

Prospero, the Ringmaster (Orig. Appears 61, Actual age Unknown): Unnaturally tall with strange, cybernetic hands. Works to bring dignity and taste to the great production.

Alberto Gontezo (Later Arrival - Orig. 30): Wanted criminal and spell-binding opera singer

Ogri the Ogre (Later Arrival - Orig. 42): Beast wrangler, on-stage wrestler of dangerous animals.

We redefined the traditional 4 seasons to be based around the perspective of an astral performing ship: Approach, Show Time, Departure, and The Road.

Thank you to Heather, Evan, and Ben for creating this fantastically unique setting with me. I think this might be the first House of Reeds game I've played where none of the characters has died or been seriously injured. Unfortunately, the same can not be said for the audience members...or the menagerie animals.
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 660
And we've got pictures to prove it! (rooms totally not to scale)

For the curious, here's more about House of Reeds. It's a free download on Sam's site.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.