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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Stealing back dreams--Follow: The Heist

Stealing back dreams--Follow: The Heist

user 206830353
Seattle, WA
Post #: 1
Today (8/11/16) we played Follow: The Heist (in the future). We played as hackers (Joe and ET), infiltrators (Nick and Evan), and drone-piloting cyborgs (Justin) all trying to steal back data packets representing children's dreams. Who were we stealing these data from? Well, the totalitarian government of future!Mexico and future!Poland, obviously.

We started off with some smooth sailing, successfully infiltrating a party to gain information on the dream data's location from some top officials. We hit some major snags, however, when trying to break into the facility because we lost three team members due to a second act face turn. Two of our trusted comrades (ET and Justin) betrayed the party (!!), stranding the remaining members in the middle of the north Mexican desert! What's worse, the whole thing had been a setup to get Joe's (main) hacker out in the open and arrest him. Luckily for our team, their drone AI had achieved sentience, their man on the inside was devoted to the Revolutionary Cause, and their fence was, herself, an accomplished hacker. With these minor characters' help, Evan's and Nick's infiltrators were able to escape with the dream data and blow up the dream-storage facility. ¡Viven los ladrones! ¡Viva la revolucíon!

Sadly, even though we won our quest, we weren't totally sure it was worth it. Both Nick's infiltrator and Joe's (minor) hacker/fence swore bloody revenge on ET's and Justin's turncoats. Meanwhile, Evan's infiltrator pledged her life to the revolution but never recovered her stolen ability to dream.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.