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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › Carpenter Station, Antarctica (Kingdom)

Carpenter Station, Antarctica (Kingdom)

Seattle, WA
Post #: 3
Got to play a new game (for me) this week: Kingdom

For our kingdom we went with an Antarctic research station in the middle of a power-shift, where scientists were busy trying to do real (but boring) science while the new director was busy trying to pizzazz up the place bring in more funding. Of course, Antarctica being cold and without golf, Jack left the day-to-day operations to Dr. Yuri, a climatologist who is well respected (and thus listened to) for his scientific achievements, but not particularly good at managing...anything.

Our characters started off as follows:

  • Power: Dr. Yuri, lead researcher and Director of Operations
  • Perspective: Priss, security and head mechanic/maintenance
  • Perspective: Gabriel, a young researcher
  • Touchstone: Jenna, radio technician and hr

We made it through 2 Crossroads...

  • Will We Make and Expedition to the Strange Crater? (Yes)
  • Will we accept sponsorship from Travel Co. and become a Science Themed Tourist Park? (No)

...and ended in Crisis:

Dr. Yuri starting off as power was interesting as while he ultimately had to make the decisions, having the external pressure serving as the real direction and power made him reluctant in having to actually make the decisions, and pushed our Power to decide in the opposite direction of what both they and the Kingdom actually wanted; this IMO made the story much more interesting for us as it was clear the first Crossroads decision was not one any of the characters actually wanted. Inevitably as the community became increasingly disillusioned with Yuri, Power was removed (leaving us with no formal Power), opening up the opportunity for Gabriel, Priss, and Jenna, who all started off as slightly subservient, to take more control of the situation while Yuri became increasingly meek and helpless. Gabriel served as the one character supporting "Yes" to both cross-roads and created numerous ways for Yuri to justify his decisions despite knowing they were tearing the Kingdom apart. We saw a bit of a tilt just two scenes before meeting the second crossroad, where Priss and Jenna ultimately took control of the situation with Jenna taking Power just as the Crossroad decision was made. Jenna made the decision the community wanted (No), but with a catch the community was not aware of. Ultimately the repercussions of either decision was going to trigger the Crisis.

Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.