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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › The sentient axe is having an existential crisis (Follow)

The sentient axe is having an existential crisis (Follow)

user 11624621
Olympia, WA
Post #: 105
We dove into the Rebellion quest hearts first with our magical fairy realm under occupation by a modern industrialist town. Unicorns, centaurs, dwarves, fairies, a changeling, and someone cursed into the shape of an axe tried to overthrow the oppressors with all their sparkly rainbow might, but it came to naught. We were thwarted by betrayal and bad planning throughout the whole quest.

Thank you Carrie, Angeline, and Charles for an excellent game! May a unicorn visit your dreams and say nice but kind of dumb things to you!
user 216922656
Bothell, WA
Post #: 3
Great summary of the game, Caroline. Thanks for being our guide for our first time story game experience. It was fun, interesting, and hilarious :)
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.