Story Games Seattle Message Board › Everything Else › Story Games February Meetup: People's Choice
Mike Kimmel M. |
Seattle, WA |
Hi everyone! Please go to the event page or reply to this thread to talk about what game you'd like to play at the next meetup on February 20th. See you there!
A former member |
After a very quick read of how the game works I vote for Dogs in the Vineyard with Three: Sixteen as my second pick.
Mike Kimmel M. |
Seattle, WA |
Dogs is a pretty awesome game.
I hear good things about 3:16 as well, though I haven't played it. |
A former member |
I was once privleged to play Solomon Kane in a game of The Riddle Of Steel. Certainly my most fun ever as a player. Not entirely sure why I'm so excited by the prospect of playing a religious fanatic... but damn it's fun!