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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Snakes and a Dame (Fiasco)

What We Played: Snakes and a Dame (Fiasco)

Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 21
Snakes and a Dame (May 6)
players: Susan, Dave, Charon, Ben

Tandem games of Fiasco. Man, where to start? So much goodness, so much hot, teen, lezbionic heartbreak.

Kudos to Jason for stepping up and explaining the rules to everybody. Nicely done!
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 23
The setup for Fiasco is really solid gold. Conceptually it's very tight brainstorming inspiration, almost oracular like In A Wicked Age.

Before we played I was very skeptical of the aftermath montage, but in our game it worked wonderfully. Going around doing a single sentence statement for each character made a really nice interwoven ending. I will cherish the look on Susan's face after the "full-blown pregnant" reveal until I am old and senile.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.