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Story Games Seattle Message Board What We Played › What We Played: Give Me Slavery Or Give Me Death! (Shock)

What We Played: Give Me Slavery Or Give Me Death! (Shock)

Seattle, WA
Post #: 5
Give Me Slavery Or Give Me Death!
Players: Sylvia, Martin, and Susan

Tairos Prime was a troubled place when we found it, and it was worse when we left it! Our issues were slavery, religious conflict, and ageism. We chose bionics as our Shock and ended up with a pretty twisted world. Bionic replacement for failing body parts are readily available, subtle, and highly effective. There's just one hitch: the more metal you are, the less human you are. On this wealthy trading planet once you cross the 50% threshold you are no longer legally a citizen. "Metal heads" can be owned as property and legally enslaved. As you are injured and age you inch closer and closer to the threshold - watch out!

Story details to follow!
Ben R.
Group Organizer
Seattle, WA
Post #: 29
Metal heads? Love it.

Losing suffrage as you cyberize is grand. That's such a sweet way to work in ageism.
Story Games Seattle was rebooted in March 2010 as a weekly public meetup group for playing GMless games. It ran until March 2018, hosting over 600 events with a wide range of attendees.

Our charter was: Everyone welcome. Everyone equal. No experience necessary.